Friday, October 29, 2010

Promise from him

This morning, i received a promise from my dear, the 'promise' was written like this:
I can't promise you the world, But I can try to give you a happy life.
I can't promise you I'll never yell, But I can try to be patient most of the time.
I can't promise you I'll never make mistakes, But I can try the best to correct my faults.
I can't you that I'll catch you every time you fall,  But I can try to always be close, by so I can help you back up.
I can't promise that our love will last forever like in storybooks, But I can promise that no matter what I'll never forget the memories I made with you.
sharing with you, so that we all can find our own happiness. Happy Day!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lunch & after lunch session, HUH..

I had hoka-hoka bento for my lunch, Hoka Suka Package 4, 2 fried chicken nugget + eggs inside i think, with chicken teriyaki and onion, plus green tea. And now I'm very full and feel sleepy..GOSH!

anyway, i;'ve tried to cut down the carbohydrate, but still i almost finish 3/4 of the you know that rice from Hokben, how we call it in short, was very nice and soft. I dont really eat much rice nowadays.

While eating, my colleagues were talking about 'somebody' (censored)

Hope that somebody will clean this out from our company. the management team should know and take action on it.

Carbohydrate makes us look older?

Oooh no, it is from the article that i just read. Said that carbohydrate makes us look much older. coz of the insulin makes the process in our body gene to generate the old system active. So what we need to do is to cut down the consumptions to 75% of the normal consumption of carbohydrate. It will slow down the process of old.

To have an healthy life, to look younger, we need to exercise to change the carbohydrate and fat in the body to become energy. It is not easy though, so people choose instant way. Luckily, Professor Cynthia Kenyon from America discover the fact of carbohydrate consumptions through several experiments.

Other facts, experiment in Ecuador, some test on 'orang-orang' kerdil/ small people. They are losing gene of old process, keep young and cancer free. But they can't grow normally, because insulin is also needed for growth.

Carbohydrate is believed become the sources of regenerative disease,  that's why we need to cut down the consumption or having enough exercise to change the insulin and fat in the body. consume complex carbohydrate such as whole grain breads, oatmeal or broken wheat porridge. Eat balance complex carbohydrate, protein, fiber, vitamins and DRINK & SLEEP enough!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Back to routine, Start with my new blog.

After few days staying at home, because of fever, cough and influenza. I felt really sick,  today i'm going back to routine, to the office in south east of Jakarta. It takes around more than an hour from home to the office. And it becomes everyone's routine to spend their time on the road in the traffic. So for most of Jakarta people, it is normal to only spend 'only' an hour to the office.

I'm trying with my new blog, never had one before..because i don't like to write, and i feel not comfortable enough to let others know my routines, coz i'm an introvert type of person.
I'm curious with 'how to blog' and it seems fun to blog, so i give a try. Hope that i would always update it.
Blogging seems fun, it archives all the activities, ideas & thoughts so it would be kept remembered.

I forgot to take picture of what i've for my lunch, Indonesian food with 'ayam penyet' chicken with chillies, fried 'tempe', 'tahu' fried tofu and 'sayur asam' I dont know how to call it in English. I get there with my colleagues with my ride. I really enjoy the food today, maybe because of last few days, i always had porridge for my food. poor me =(

Welcome to my blog ^___^

Hello all friends that comes to my blog, thank you for coming!

Hope that you like my blog, and always come back here to know

what's the latest update from me =))